Oasis Connections has been providing award-winning evidence-based technology training material since 2000. Thousands of adults have taken in-person or online courses in local Oasis centers, libraries, YMCAs, and other community centers across the country. We are serious about our role in helping to close the digital divide.
How this site is different
You’ll find the courses in this website broken into small chunks with a specific learning goal in mind. Many of these lessons combine varied training modalities. We use text-based lessons, short videos, and flashcards to reinforce learning. As students progress through courses, the lessons and additional practice tests provide spaced-repetition learning, an evidence-based proven way to maximize permanent learning.
We’re more than an educational site, we are your training partner
Your students deserve a hand when they have a question or run into a problem. That’s why we have incorporated a user forum, a place where students can get answers from trainers, or from their fellow students. It’s a way to be more involved and provide an enhanced learning support structure.
Bring your courses, and your trainers, to our platform
We know we are far from the only trainers with valuable material out there. And we know that organizations often struggle to provide a training platform for their followers and participants. So, use ours. Talk to us about adding your trainers and your courses to our list. You can manage your classes right from this portal. We’ll help you get started.
Oasis is a community-based partner
The Oasis Institute is located in St. Louis, MO. We have community Oasis centers in Albuquerque, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, Rochester, San Antonio, San Diego, Syracuse, and Washington, D.C. We also have partner organizations like libraries and senior centers across the United States. We would love to have your group or organization as a partner. Contact us today!